Dashboard: why is it a key element of your data analysis strategy?

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Why use a dashboard to optimize your campaigns?

In the digital advertising sector, where data has become the most important factor in strategic decision-making, it's essential to have a 360° view of all your information in order to effectively measure your company's performance. 

However, this can be a real challenge, especially if your company doesn't necessarily have the resources to invest in expensive data analysis tools.

Nevertheless, there is a solution: properly used dashboards can help you optimize your marketing analyses by quickly identifying trends as well as your sticking points.

Find out in this article what dashboards are for and how to use them to boost your performance!

What is a dashboard?

In the context of data visualization, a "dashboard" is a 360° analysis platform designed to help companies collect, organize and analyze all the information at their disposal in a comprehensive and coherent way.

Connected to various data sources to which you have given it access in advance (databases, accounting software, social media or third-party applications), a dashboard is able to retrieve, combine and analyze information to enable you to:

  • Gain an overview of your business
  • Understand trends in your advertising campaigns
  • Analyze target behavior
  • Track the performance of your various campaigns, by channel
  • Support your budgeting strategy

A dashboard will enable you to make better-informed decisions.

And, to make those decisions, there's nothing like clear, readable information. 

Bingo: a dashboard will also enable you to create reports that provide insights in the form of graphs, tables and images. The cherry on top: it will also allow you to choose the graphs and key indicators you wish to obtain from the data you wish to include.

In short, a dashboard is an essential tool for visualizing all your data in a dynamic and creative way.

An image showcasing dashboards on different devices

3 good reasons to use a dashboard to boost your performance

Do you still doubt the ability of a dashboard to save you time and boost your performance? Here are 3 good reasons to give it a try.

Monitor all the performance of your advertising campaigns in one place

You're no doubt aware that it's often difficult and time-consuming to gather all the data you need to make informed decisions regarding the performance of your advertising campaigns.

Using a dashboard, you can centralize all your data and obtain precise insights at the click of a button, enabling you to make strategic decisions accordingly.

Your dashboard will also enable you to quickly visualize the results of your advertising campaigns on a single platform, across all channels (social, display, DOOH, audio, gaming, CTV...).

Stay agile and get more results

As your advertising is subject to constantly changing conditions, you need to be agile to get the results you want. 

Using a dashboard will enable you to keep an eye on your performance and react quickly to potential changes. Visualizing your results in real time will enable you to adjust your campaign strategy in line with your objectives. 

By providing you with the necessary insights, the dashboard will be an essential tool in preventing you from wasting time and budget on a strategy that generates little in the way of results.

Obtain unified reporting

While a dashboard will give you an overview of the performance of your advertising campaigns in real time, it will also give you greater granularity. You can easily adjust your dashboard to focus on the key metrics that interest you most. 

This makes it easier to understand the effectiveness or otherwise of your campaigns, and to make informed decisions on the next steps to take to achieve your objectives.

Our tips for getting the most out of your dashboard

You're now convinced of the effectiveness of a dashboard for tracking your data and optimizing your campaigns. But don't be too quick to leave: here are our tips for getting the most out of your new tool.

Highlight and compare your campaign KPIs

As you probably already know, to ensure that a campaign runs smoothly, it's crucial to identify and monitor your KPIs on a regular basis.

Once again, your dashboard will be your best ally: don't waste time collecting data and measuring your KPIs yourself, use your dashboard for quick and efficient monitoring.

It couldn't be simpler: your dashboard will enable you to highlight the KPIs of your campaigns and easily compare them in real time. By viewing these key indicators at a glance, you'll be able to quickly identify the areas where you need to make improvements to maximize your results.

Combine your marketing data for relevant results

Your dashboard will enable you to combine data from different sources to obtain insights: so take advantage of this feature to maximize the relevance of your insights and ensure effective reporting.

For example, you could combine your ad spend data with your ROI: you'll get a more accurate metric that takes into account your committed spend.

You can also use your dashboard to observe trends in your marketing performance.

By analyzing data relating to geolocation, demographics, costs, etc., you can gain an overall view of your marketing activity and guide your strategic decisions. 

By observing trends, you can also quickly detect any fluctuations in your performance and make adjustments to your marketing strategy accordingly.

In short, the dashboard is an essential tool for data analysis and strategic decision-making.

Want to try it out? Good news! Gamned! is able to offer you its fully customizable dashboard, accessible 24/7.

And if you'd like to go further in the creation, launch and optimization of your campaigns, contact a Gamned! expert who will be able to help you achieve your objectives.


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