Multi-channel campaigns: 4 innovative channels you should invest in

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The advertising channels you need to try out and add to your multi-channel campaigns to achieve your advertising goals effectively

Whether your goal is to boost brand awareness by working on your branding, generate traffic to your physical stores, convert new customers or retain those who already love your products or services, one key element to your marketing strategy today is making your campaigns multi-channel. 

Nowadays, your audiences consume branded content everywhere, on different media and on different channels. That's why multi-channel marketing is becoming the key to reaching them where they are, across multiple touch points. 

To capitalize on this trend, you have probably already set up marketing campaigns through mailing, SMS, social media or search engines.

But have you thought about adding these 4 innovative advertising channels to your multi-channel campaigns?

Channel #1: digital audio advertising

Audio advertising is becoming an increasingly important part of multi-channel brand campaigns, and for a good reason! 

It is an ideal channel to reach your audiences in their private moments, since 82% of audio listening is done alone. It also helps generate traffic on your website, as well as research on your products: more than half of the targets listen to these ads while having an activity on the Internet (source: Soundcast 2022). 

Audiences who are fond of audio are rather sedentary, with an overrepresentation of men aged 15 to 34, active and urban. If these are your key targets, you definitely should think about investing in this communication channel!

You can launch campaigns on audio replay platforms, on smart and web radios, in podcasts, or on streaming platforms like Spotify. 

The advertising formats to use in order to reach your targets via audio

  • Audio spot, to create a bond with your prospect or customer without visual contact on the screen
  • Video, which is triggered when the user is active on the listening platform
  • Companion ad, a highly visible and engaging format on mobile

To learn more about the subject, read our article on digital audio here.

Channel #2: In-gaming advertising

Want to increase your brand visibility, on an advertising channel that is not yet saturated, but highly innovative? In-game advertising, i.e. the positioning of advertisements in a video game universe, is made for you!

In 2020, there were already more than 3.6 billion gamers worldwide. And the profile of the typical gamer goes all clichés: in one case out of two, they’re a woman, 39 years old on average, who uses two different gaming media (mobile, computer, console...). From casual gamers to avid technophiles, several profiles can be targeted with this type of campaign!

You can place your ads in mobile games, in console games (such as XboX or Playstation), or on streaming platforms such as Twitch, Facebook Gaming and YouTube Gaming. 

The advertising formats to use to reach your targets via in-game advertising

  • Video, in pre-roll or via rewarded videos (videos that deliver an in-game reward if the user finishes viewing it)
  • Native in-game, that is to say banners immersed in the universe of the game itself
  • Audio, on consoles where Spotify is natively integrated
  • Banners, with a mobile interstitial or block format

Want to get into the game? Check out our article on in-game advertising to find out how to integrate this type of advertising into your multi-channel campaigns.

Channel #3: DOOH

DOOH, or Digital Out Of Home, consists in broadcasting advertisements on digital display screens in public spaces. 

This highly visual format allows you to boost the memorization rate of your targets. Its great advantage? It is highly complementary to your online advertising devices, such as your drive-to-store campaigns.

You can choose to broadcast your campaign according to the places your target audience frequently visits. Shopping malls, local shops, gyms, bars, roads, shop windows, train stations... The choice is wide, and can correspond to any brand!

The advertising formats to use to reach your targets via DOOH

  • Eye-catching communication media to stand out from the competition
  • A clear and dynamic message that’s easy to remember
  • Video, a highly engaging format by nature

And to dig deeper into the subject, be sure to check out our guide to successful DOOH campaigns.

Channel #4: Addressable TV 

Gone are the days when the TV screen was only accessible to big brands with huge marketing budgets! Now, segmented TV advertising allows all brands to deliver a message to a targeted audience in a granular way, at a lower cost

TV is far from being an old-fashioned channel! 78% of Europeans watch traditional TV every day (source: Smartclip white paper - Addressable TV Advertising). And with 16 million households addressable via segmented TV advertising by 2023, you can be sure that this is a key channel to add to your multi-channel setup.

You can either decide to launch your campaign on traditional TV (via Digital Video Broadcasting, or DVB), or on managed TV platforms (i.e. on TV broadcast by telephone and Internet operators via an Internet box). 

The advertising formats to use to reach your targets via addressable TV

  • Click-to-video
  • SwitchIn Spot
  • Target Spot
  • Spot Frame
  • ATV Spot
  • L banners

Intrigued by this type of marketing campaign? Discover its advantages and success keys in our article on segmented TV.

“To reach your targets in an optimal way, today, you have no other choice than to think of your campaigns in terms of multi-channel. Thanks to this multi-channel concept, you can reach your audience at different times of the day, according to their media consumption habits. Another advantage of these multi-channel campaigns is the media complementarity you can deploy, with different impacts depending on the formats and channels you set up. However, it’s not all about spending your marketing budget on all advertising channels! Think of your media plan in a rational way, by testing the different channels where your targets are, and by optimizing the performance of your strategy based on the results generated.” Cloé Telo, Head of Client Services.

6 keys to successful multi-channel campaigns

Before embarking on these 4 innovative advertising channels, don't leave without these 6 best practices for successful multi-channel campaigns! 

Think in particular of... 

  • Selecting the right media to broadcast your campaign. Study precisely your targets' content consumption habits and customer journey, and invest only in the media that they actually consume. 
  • Create a fine-tuned targeting based on criteria as close as possible to your core target, with appropriate segmentation. This is the key to making your marketing actions really effective.
  • Innovate in the formats you select, with innovative and engaging designs. Remember that competition in marketing strategies is fierce: don't hesitate to step out of your comfort zone!
  • Create an optimal media plan, where you test different channels to determine which ones work best. 
  • Track the right KPIs according to your marketing objectives, and make regular reportings to monitor the performance of your campaigns.
  • Test and optimize your campaigns on a daily basis to maximize the return on investment. 

Are you ready to start implementing results-oriented multi-channel campaigns? Need some guidance on the subject? Contact a Gamned! expert now, and benefit from our digital marketing expertise.


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